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Showing posts from April, 2020

Islamic Quiz to Increase your General Knowledge on Islam

Islamic Quiz to Increase your General Knowledge on Islam Islamic quiz to increase your general knowledge on Islam   Islamic Quiz to increase your General Knowledge on Islam In order to be ahead in this fast moving world, majority of our time is being spend in worldly affairs; due to which we are unaware of the Islamic knowledge or information which will benefit us in this world and the hereafter. Majority of time we think that if we don’t follow up with our daily schedule, we will not grow in status and other social affairs. But we are forgetting the true essence of this life, that is to learn more about Islam and come closer to our creator Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala to attain peace in this world and the herafter. Does that mean that we should not be competitive in this world and see that we are ahead in the game? Our life’s primary purpose should be to learn more and more about Islam and to do good deeds as we have to return back to Allah. Now, comi...

What are the Five Pillars of Islam in English and Arabic

What are the Five Pillars of Islam in English and Arabic                                      Five Pillars of Islam What are the Five Pillars of Islam in English and Arabic This article was originally published on 20th Jan 2020, and updated on 02nd April 2020 Before discussing about the basic " Five Pillars of Islam " , we need to know "What does  Islam means", or "What is Islam as a religion " , in order to understand the basic five pillars of islam more efficiently. Islam What is Islam? The word  Islam comes from the root word “Salaam” which means Peace . The true meaning of Islam is to surrender or to submit oneself to  Allah to attain peace. Islam  is a  monotheistic religion sent through Prophet  Muhammad ( May Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon Him ) around 1400 plus years ago through divine  revelations ...

Dua for Coronavirus – Protection from Coronavirus – Dua for Protection from any Diseases

Dua for Coronavirus – Protection from  Coronavirus – Dua for Protection from any  Diseases Dua for Coronavirus Dua for Coronavirus – Protection from  Coronavirus – Dua for Protection from any  Diseases Published on : 30th January 2020 Updated on : 01st April 2020 “ DUA ” is an invocation or a prayer of supplication /request to Allah ( Subhanahu wa Ta’ala ) in order to grant ones needs. Prophet Muhammad ( May Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon Him ) said: " Dua is an essence of Worship ." Before we recommend the Dua for Coronavirus or Dua for Protection from Coronavirus or Any Evil Diseases, lets discuss What is Coronavirus , Types of these viruses and Prevention /Precautions to be taken in order to protect oneself from these types of viruses. What is Coronavirus ? What is Coronavirus Coronaviruses  (CoV) are the types of viruses that are spread or transmitted between animals and humans.  C...